
Covid-19 Recovery & Renewal Programme Update – Extract from the proceedings of the Policy & Resources Committee meeting held on 3 December 2020

Date of Meeting:

17 December 2020

Report of:

Executive Lead Officer for Strategy, Governance & Law    

Contact Officer:


Lisa Johnson


01273 291228



Wards Affected:



For general release



Action Required of Council:

The report has been referred from the Policy & Resources Committee for information.

Recommendation: That the report is noted.



Brighton & Hove City Council


Policy & Resources Committee


4.00pm3 December 2020






Present:   Councillor Mac Cafferty (Chair) Druitt (Joint Deputy Chair), Gibson (Joint Deputy Chair), Platts (Opposition Spokesperson), Bell (Group Spokesperson), Allcock, Clare, Miller, Yates and Williams.

Also present:  Dr A Sasidharan










93          Covid-19 Recovery & Renewal Programme Update


93.1    The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Economy Environment & Culture which provided an update on the progress of the Covid-19 Recovery & Renewal Programme.


93.2    Dr Sasidharan asked a number of questions: with regard to the citywide recovery for children and young people what the preliminary lessons learned were; noted that medically appropriate food would be provided and asked if that would be culturally appropriate food;  asked if the communications would be provided in an easy to read format which could be particularly beneficial for those whose first language was not English; and asked why staff were encouraged to wear face masks rather than it being mandatory; The Executive Director Economy Environment & Culture said that work was being done with the Food Partnership to look at how we think about food as a whole system for the City, but it was early days and staff would be recruited to do that, and work was also being done with the Greater Brighton Economic Board as a lot of the food economy covers the wider region, as far as he was aware culturally appropriate food was available but there were different providers such as the food provided by national government and some provided from local community food hubs etc and so would provide a more detailed answer after the meeting; with regard to communications he would consult with the Communications Team and provide a written response, and with regard to the preliminary lessons learned he would consult with colleagues and provide a written response; with regard to face coverings the majority of staff were working from home but those who weren’t would be required to wear them.


93.3    Councillor Platts referred to paragraph 3.3 and asked what the governance arrangements were for the working groups and if there were member involvement; noted that there was funding for individuals who were self-isolating and in poverty to buy food and essentials and asked how that was publicised, and if a breakdown could be provided of Wards where claims were made and subsequently paid out and how the £300k was allocated; and noted that the University of Sussex had attended the Food Working Group to share intelligence and asked what that was. The Executive Director Economy Environment & Culture said that the working groups were working at different levels depending on what was required with some dealing with more reactive issues and were meeting weekly and some looking at longer-term issues but there was no member involvement. With regard to the funding available for food the Revenues and Benefits Team would provide a report on the payments made. With regard to the £300k grant, a report had come to this committee and a copy would be provided. With regard to the University of Sussex he did not have that information but would find out and provide a written response.


93.4    Councillor Platts proposed the following amendment to the recommendations (changes bold):


2.1 That the committee notes this progress update report

2.2 That the committee also calls for a further report that gives due consideration to paid positions at key food hubs around the city, that are currently reliant on volunteers alone;


2.3 That the committee further calls for more detailed reports on the recovery areas covered by the working groups, to the next meeting of the P&R Recovery (Sub) Committee due to take place on 6th January.


93.5    Councillor Williams seconded the proposed amendment.


93.6    The Committee voted and agreed the amendment.


93.7      RESOLVED: That the Committee -


(1)     Noted this progress update report;


(2)     Called for a further report that gives due consideration to paid positions at key food hubs around the city, that are currently reliant on volunteers alone;


(3)     Called for more detailed reports on the recovery areas covered by the working groups, to the next meeting of the P&R Recovery (Sub) Committee due to take place on 6th January.